Multiple District 19 Lions
Friday, September 13, 2024
MD19: Serving Lions Clubs In British Columbia, Northern Idaho And Washington Since 1922
MD19 map We Serve sign

The Letter Nestled in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, at the southwest corner of Canada and the northwest corner of the United States, Multiple District 19 began its tenure as District 19 of Lions International in 1922. MD19 is an international Multiple District with 5 subdistricts serving 10,000 Lions and Leos in 400 clubs in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, and the States of Idaho and Washington in the United States.

Founded in 1917, Lions International is the largest and most active community service organization in the world. There are now more than 1,300,000 Lions in 48,000 Lions Clubs in more than 200 countries and geographic areas worldwide.

On The Horizon…

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  • The Creston Lions Club Is (Almost) 85! — You are cordially invited to join the Creston Lions, who will be celebrating the Creston Lions Club's 85th Anniversary, on Saturday, September 21, 2024 in beautiful Creston, British Columbia Canada. The Creston Lions have a full schedule planned for this auspicious occasion:
    • Free hot dogs in the park, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., in Centennial Park (8th Avenue and Erickson Road).
    • Tour of Creston Museum and the Maury and Irene Murphy Pavillion (Northwest Boulevard and Devon Street).
    • Cocktails, dinner amd music, from 5:00 p.m. 'til… at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall (137 – 11th Avenue North). And if that is not enough celebrating…
    • A special pancake breakfast Sunday morning, September 22, 2024, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., back at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall.
    Download all the details (including lodging arrangements — the Creston Lions have thought of everything!) and a registration form here, and join the Creston Lions for a weekend of fun, fellowship and celebration.
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  • New Cub Officer Information And Learning Session — 2024/25 MD19 GLT coordinator, PDG Debbie Bostock, has scheduled an educational opportunity for club officers (all Lions are invited) via a ZOOM meeting on Monday, September 23, 2024, from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. Registration is now open! New & Updated 2024/25 club officer manuals, which you can download here (under the “Learning” tab of the “Toolbox” menu) will be covered. Check out PDG Debbie's article in the current Border Crossing, and feel free to email PDG Debbie with questions or for more information.
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  • Lake Stevens Lions 75th Anniversary Celebration — Save the date! The Lake Stevens Lions Club will be celebrating its 75th anniversary on Friday, October 4, 2024, at the Bridgewater Center, 22505 State Route 9 SE, Woodinville, Washington U.S.A. Download the flyer, or call or text Tonya ay (425) 308-0897.
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  • Penticton Lions 75th Anniversary Celebration — The Penticton Lions Club will be celebrating its 75th anniversary on October 5, 2024, at the Penticton Golf& Country Club, 600 Comox Street, Penticton, BC, Canada. Okanagan Falls Lions and Oliver Lions will be joining the Penticton Lions and celebrating their respective 45th anniversaries. For more information email Lion Bob Elliott.
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  • MD19 Environmental Committee Invitation — The MD19 Lions Environmental Team is inviting all MD19 Lions to their regular Zoom Meetings, the first Tuesday each month at 11:30 a.m. The actual meeting happens between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m., but you can dial in early if you would like to visit with others or make sure your technology is working. The zoom link is You can also import a recurring event to your calender (an .ics file) for this recurring meeting here.
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  • MD19 Council Of Governors Meeting — The Multiple Dustrict 19 Lions Fall Council of Governors meeting will be held at the Chilliwack Mount Cheam Lions Hall, 45580 Spadina Ave, Chilliwack, B.C. Canada, on Saturday, October 19, 2024. A pre–council meeting will be held Friday evening, October 18, 2024. Lunch Saturday will be provided by the Chilliwack Mount Cheam Lions, donations appreciated. RSVP to PID Allan Hunt by October 12, 2024 if you want lunch. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Chilliwack Coast Hotel for over–nighters. Use the online booking link for reservations at the Coast Hoterl, or clontact Lexy LeRose, phone (604) 701-3073, or Tatiana Crespo, phone (604) 673-2182 at the hotel for help with reservations. Contact the MD19 office,, for alternate lodging options.
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  • Three Clubs To Hold 80th Anniversary Celebration — The Abbotsford, Langley and Maple Ridge Lions Clubs are each turning 80. And to celebrate, they have gotten together and scheduled a jooint anniversary party to be held from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at the West Langley Hall, 9402 208th Street, Langley, BC. The cost is CAN$4000 for a fantastic barbeque meal. Pre–registration requred — registration deadline is September 30, 2024. Download the the flyer. And for more information and reservations contact Dave Wallace at (604) 992-9787.


  • MD19 ROSTERS — The MD19 2023-24 Rosters will be mailed out in August in a very restricted manner. Rosters will automatically be sent to each Lions Club Secretary ONLY, the MD19 Committee Chairpersons, members of the Council of Governors, all Vice District Governors, Zone Chairpersons and anyone who had purchased a roster. There will also be available the PDF version of the roster that can be sent to anyone who wishes it. For those wishing to purchase a hard copy of the MD19 2023-2024 Roster be aware that there will be a limited supply available after sending to the Club Secretaries, et al, and once they are gone then your only option will be to receive the PDF.
  • CLUB NEWSLETTERS — Club bulletin editors: When you send your club bulletin to the MD19 Office via email using the email address md19lions@, you will receive a response from Michele within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response, please call the office to verify whether the bulletin has been received.
  • CARE Donations — For every $500 dollars (US and CDN at par) a club donates to the CARE project, the club is eligible to give a Gordon F. Smith CARE Fellowship to a deserving club member (CARE certificate and pin). The Fellowship must be requested in the same Lions year in which the donation was made. A rocker is automatically given to clubs that contribute $5.00 per member to CARE within the current Lions year.
  • CLUB SECRETARY REPORTING — Club secretaries: Information (especially updates for Club Officers) that you report to the MD19 office should be sent to so that it can be timely processed.
  • ZONE CHAIR REPORTING — Zone Chairpersons: Please send your reports, bulletins, and expense claim forms to Note that this is not the same address that club secretaries report to (not
  • IPDG AND VDG EXPENSE REPORTING — Immediate Past District Governors and Vice District Governors: Expense Claim Forms should be emailed to (not for timely processing.
  • Friends of the Garden — Donations to or for the benefit of the MD19 Memorial Garden are always welcome from individuals or Lions Clubs. The Garden, which is located on the groiunds of the MD19 office in Bellingham, can not exist without your contributions. Encourage your Club to budget annual support ($100 per club member member would be spectacular!) For more information, contact the MD19 office at 360-733-4911.
  • Future Lions International Conventions — Want to plan ahead, maybe for a future vacation that includes a Lions International Convention? Here is the list of future scheduled International Conventions (aka LCICon) through 2031:
  • Year Place Dates
    2025 Mexico City, Mexico July 4 to 8, 2025
    2026 Hong Kong, P.R.C. July 3 to 7, 2026
    2027 Washington, D.C. July 2 to 6, 2027
    2028 Republic of Singapore June 23 to 27, 2028
    2029 Minneapolis, Minnesota U.S.A. June 29 to July 3, 2029
    2030 San Antonio, Texas U.S.A. June 28 to July 3, 2030
    2031 Helsinki, Finland June 27 to July 2, 2031
  • Future USA/Canada Lions Leadeship Forums — How about a junket in the early fall, during pretty much the best weather of the year, combined with some Lions learning and bonding? Here is the list of future scheduled USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forums through 2027:
  • Year Place Dates
    2025 Atlantic City, New Jersey U.S.A September 18 to 20, 2025
    2026 Memphis, Tennessee U.S.A. September 3 to 5, 2026
    2027 Huntsville, Alabama U.S.A. September 16 to 18, 2027
  • Pi Day: Only 181 days 'til Pi Day 2025, 546 days 'til Pi Day 2026, 911 days 'til …