District 19-L Clubs
Clubs are listed by zone, and then alphabetically within each zone.
Vancouver Arbutus Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 84727
- Charter date: 1/20/2005
- President: Adelina Ko
- Cell phone: 604-657-3783
- Email: adelina.ko@gmail.com
- Secretary: Julia Chan
- Cell phone: 778-883-9620
- Email: syc3564@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd Friday
- Contact Secretary
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Cambie Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 56034
- Charter date: 8/9/1994
- President: Thomas Tong
- Work phone: 604-288-5508
- Cell phone: 604-671-1388
- Email: thomas@thomastong.com
- Secretary: Jose Ip
- Cell phone: 604-617-0868
- Email: hofast@aol.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- New Mandarin Seafood Rest.
4650 Gladstone St.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Cambie Club Branch (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number:
- Charter date:
- Meetings:
- 4:00 PM Contact Secretary
- Onlilne
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Cathay Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 48647
- Charter date: 6/1/1988
- President: Bill Lap Yan Wong
- Cell phone: 604-780-0613
- Email: aa22b@yahoo.ca
- Secretary: Peter Cheng
- Cell phone: (604) 603-9913
- Email: hkyk_peter@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd Thursday
- Fortune Terrace Chinese Cuisine
8171 Ackroyd Rd.
Richmond, British Columbia
Vancouver Cathay New Century Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 84873
- Charter date: 2/22/2005
- President: Wendy Yau
- Home phone: 604-771-1861
- Cell phone: 604-771-1861
- Email: wawyau@gmail.com
- Secretary: Alvina Seid
- Home phone: 604-818-3383
- Cell phone: 604-818-3383
- Email: alvinaseid@yahoo.ca
- Meetings:
- Via Zoom
Contact Secretary
Vancouver, British Columbia
- Via Zoom
Vancouver Chinatown Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 7609
- Charter date: 12/3/1953
- President: Edmond To
- Work phone: 604-253-9522
- Cell phone: 604-253-9522
- Email: edmond@uniwest.ca
- Secretary: Syrus Lee
- Work phone: 604-290-2808
- Cell phone: 604-290-2808
- Email: leesyrus@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 4th Thursday
- Pink Pearl Chinese Rest.
1132 E Hastings St.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver East Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 7610
- Charter date: 12/6/1943
- President: Vance Woo
- Cell phone: 778-822-0507
- Email: vancemagic!gmail.com
- Secretary: Josephine Lee
- Home phone: 604-559-8912
- Email: jojochowlee@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Adanac Towers
770 Commercial Dr.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Legacy Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 120769
- Charter date: 11/20/2013
- President: Su Wa Wong
- Cell phone: 604-381-0182
- Email: 19a.one@gmail.com
- Secretary: Pollyanna Lui
- Work phone: 604-773-3212
- Cell phone: 604-773-3212
- Email: lui_pollyanna@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 3rd Wednesday
- Haiyi Seafood Restaurant
4818 Main St.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Midas Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 124737
- Charter date: 4/27/2015
- President: Euclid Cheng
- Work phone: 604-721-8719
- Cell phone: 604-721-8719
- Email: ykc5132603@gmail.com
- Secretary: Joe Lamb
- Work phone: 604-270-9933
- Cell phone: 604-270-9933
- Email: 2023joelam@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 3:00 PM 3rd Sunday
- CP Danny's Office
130 - 2088 No. 5 Rd.
Richmond, British Columbia
Vancouver Northern Star Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 126277
- Charter date: 11/25/2015
- President: Sam Fong
- Home phone: 604-254-6530
- Email: szesamfong@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Harry Hsu
- Home phone: 604-430-9849
- Cell phone: 604-365-4557
- Email: vnslcharryhsu@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 11:00 AM 2nd Tuesday
- Pink Pearl Seaffod Rest.
1132 E Hastings St.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Pacific Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 51606
- Charter date: 5/9/1991
- President: Shirley Choo
- Home phone: 604-420-7967
- Email: shirleyychoo@gmail.com
- Secretary: Karen Shimokura
- Cell phone: 604-318-0479
- Email: kshimo@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd Wednesday
- Red Star Seafood Rest.
8298 Granville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Pioneer Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 142353
- Charter date: 8/4/2020
- President: Tabitha Tao
- Cell phone: 778-861-8699
- Email: tabithatao@yahoo.ca
- Secretary: Jenny Wang
- Work phone: 778-712-1198
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st Saturday
- Zoom
Contact Sec.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Shaughnessy Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 48648
- Charter date: 6/1/1988
- President: Amy Tam
- Home phone: 604-261-6398
- Cell phone: 604-889-7187
- Email: lionamyt@gmail.com
- Secretary: Babe Bailey
- Home phone: 604-566-4900
- Work phone: 604-684-2228
- Cell phone: 604-512-8997
- Email: mabailey@telus.net
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Red Star Seafood Rest.
8298 Granville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Templeton New Century Lions Club (L–1)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 68832
- Charter date: 5/27/2003
- President: Krystal Chan
- Email: krystal_nt@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Keith Lin
- Email: keithlin604@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 4th Thursday
- Chinatown Lions Manor
830 Campbell Ave.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club (L–2)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 30344
- Charter date: 3/11/1975
- President: Matt Foxall
- Cell phone: 604-355-4740
- Email: mfoxall2017@gmail.com
- Secretary: Ian Thomas
- Cell phone: 604-928-5814
- Email: ingthomas@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- W Van. Lawn Bowling Club
650 20th St.
W. Vancouver, British Columbia
Lynn Valley Lions Club (L–2)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7583
- Charter date: 10/27/1970
- President: Eric Miura
- Home phone: 604-983-0156
- Cell phone: 604-818-5030
- Email: ericlynnvalleylions@gmail.com
- Secretary: Steve Baldwin
- Cell phone: 604-317-7810
- Email: jsbaldwin@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- John. C. Gardiner Lions Court
1055 Premier St.
N. Vancouver, British Columbia
Mount Seymour Lions Club (L–2)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7585
- Charter date: 2/1/1966
- President: Clar Dickson
- Home phone: 604-985-0979
- Secretary: Frank Luba
- Home phone: 604-924-9473
- Email: knarfabul@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday
- Garey Ham Court
936 Bowron Court
N. Vancouver, British Columbia
North Vancouver Deep Cove Lions Club (L–2)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 62326
- Charter date: 8/30/1999
- President: Margaret Morrow
- Home phone: 604-790-0449
- Email: margmorrow@hotmail.com
- Secretary: June Meyrick
- Home phone: 604-985-1027
- Email: junemeyrick@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Lion Garey Ham Court
936 Bowron Ct.
N. Vancouver, British Columbia
Pemberton Lions Club (L–2)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7590
- Charter date: 12/12/1965
- President: Wes Russell
- Cell phone: 778-997-1654
- Email: russell.wesley88@gmail.com
- Secretary: Cassie Fitzpatrick
- Cell phone: 306-713-0969
- Email: cassie.fitzpatrick13@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Legion
7440 Prospect St.
Pemberton, British Columbia
Squamish Lions Club (L–2)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7600
- Charter date: 3/14/1957
- President: Neill Gray
- Home phone: 604-898-9028
- Email: grayns@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Amanda Gray
- Cell phone: 604-815-1944
- Email: grayak30@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Westcoast Railway Hert. Park
39645 Government Rd.
Squamish, British Columbia
Granisle Lions Club (L–4)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 7578
- Charter date: 8/12/1968
- President: Suzanne Bach
- Home phone: 250-697-2776
- Email: suzie.bach@outlook.com
- Secretary: Lisa Marie McTague
- Home phone: 250-845-4615
- Cell phone: 250-845-4615
- Email: lisamctague@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Lions Den
#31 Chapman St.
Granisle, British Columbia
Masset Haida Lions Club (L–4)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 4
- Club number:
- Charter date:
- President: Archie Stocker
- Cell phone: 250-777-4390
- Email: yalth@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Martin Lewis
- Work phone: 604-725-7779
- Meetings:
- Contact Secretary
Masset, British Columbia
- Contact Secretary
Prince Rupert Lions Club (L–4)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 7594
- Charter date: 5/2/1963
- President: Len Lovering
- Home phone: 250-622-2670
- Cell phone: 604-807-6048
- Email: lenlovering@live.ca
- Secretary: James Martin
- Home phone: 250-624-9407
- Cell phone: 778-645-0684
- Email: jimartin@citywest.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Rupert Bus. Centre-Bd. Room
716 Fraser St.
Prince Rupert, British Columbia
Skidegate Inlet Lions Club (L–4)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 7598
- Charter date: 3/19/1968
- President: John Wesley
- Home phone: 250-559-4633
- Cell phone: 250-637-1132
- Email: witchjohn@live.ca
- Secretary: Linda Louis
- Home phone: 250-559-8975
- Cell phone: 778-260-8976
- Email: sewwhat@qcislands.net
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 1st Thursday
- Seniors Centre
Bay Street
Queen Charlotte, British Columbia
Gibsons Lions Club (L–6)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7577
- Charter date: 6/30/1972
- President: James Barnes
- Home phone: 604-886-3070
- Cell phone: 604-740-7307
- Email: jim.barnes@gmail.com
- Secretary: Leona Quick
- Cell phone: 604-989-6413
- Email: gcovey@telus.net
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Kinsman Hall
399 Aldersprings Rd.
Gibsons, British Columbia
Sunshine Coast Lions Club (L–6)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7602
- Charter date: 1/26/1964
- President: Cyril Perpet
- Home phone: 604-885-8863
- Cell phone: 604-741-5537
- Email: cyrilperpet65@gmail.com
- Secretary: Al Hailey
- Home phone: 604-885-5361
- Email: alhailey1@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Orca Bldg. Greenecourt
5821 Medusa St.
Sechelt, British Columbia
Vancouver Broadway Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 43140
- Charter date: 11/28/1983
- President: Pollyanna Voon
- Home phone: 604-290-7756
- Work phone: 604-290-7756
- Cell phone: 604-290-7756
- Email: polly_voon@telus.net
- Secretary: Simon Yau
- Work phone: 604-657-1886
- Email: syau88@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Van. Broadway Manor
650 Bucketwheel
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Burrard Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7607
- Charter date: 1/7/1938
- Secretary: Frederick Lackmance
- Home phone: 604-925-4245
- Cell phone: 604-505-4770
- Email: lackmance@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Tuesday
- RCC Office
5753 West Boulevard
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Diamond Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 98693
- Charter date: 3/2/2007
- President: Marco Choi
- Cell phone: 236-818-3471
- Email: marco32112@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Clara Chow
- Cell phone: 604-773-8238
- Email: clarachow8132@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st Wednesday
- Neptune Seafood Rest.
100-8171 Ackroyd Rd.
Richmond, British Columbia
Vancouver Diamond Campus Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 117511
- Charter date: 8/2/2012
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 2nd Monday
- Broadway Lions Den
650 Bucketwheel
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Fraser Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 138239
- Charter date: 6/5/2019
- President: Ryan Zeng
- Work phone: 778-896-5115
- Cell phone: 778-896-5115
- Email: ryanzeng@vip.sina.com
- Secretary: Joyce Tan
- Work phone: 604-838-0681
- Cell phone: 604-838-0681
- Email: joyce_yi_tan@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 8:00 PM 3rd Wednesday
- (Zoom) Contact Secretary
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Granville Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 103804
- Charter date: 10/16/2008
- President: Annie Lau
- Work phone: 778-893-9937
- Cell phone: 778-893-9937
- Email: lionannie@gmail.com
- Secretary: Dickie Lam
- Work phone: 604-649-6830
- Cell phone: 604-649-6830
- Email: liondickie@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 4:00 PM 1st Tuesday
- Neptune Seafood Rest.
100-8171 Ackroyd Rd.
Richmond, British Columbia
Vancouver Marpole-Grandview Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7613
- Charter date: 6/15/1951
- President: Robert Sung
- Home phone: 778-893-0455
- Email: sung.rob@gmail.com
- Secretary: Betty Gung
- Cell phone: 236-999-7134
- Email: bmgsagi49@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Tuesday
- Renfrew Park Manor
3433 Renfrew St.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Queen Elizabeth Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 130884
- Charter date: 5/31/2017
- Meetings:
- 8:00 PM 4th Monday
- Army & Navy Club / EM: QELions@gmail.com
3917 Main St. / 1275 W 6th Ave. Ste 300
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Unity Lions Club (L–7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 172672
- Charter date: 6/26/2024
- President: Vicky Kwok
- Cell phone: 604-618-0275
- Email: vickykwokca@gmail.com
- Secretary: Derek Shek
- Cell phone: 778-381-4888
- Email: derek@mrr.com.hk
- Meetings:
- Contact Secretary
Vancouver, British Columbia
- Contact Secretary
Vancouver Gateway Lions Club (L–8)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 140267
- Charter date: 1/21/2019
- President: Patrick Chu
- Cell phone: 604-339-2452
- Email: pchu@novuscom.net
- Secretary: Angela Cheng
- Cell phone: 604-306-8312
- Email: happyaminc@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd Tuesday
- Catalyze - Aberdeen Sq.
3075-4000 No. 3 Rd.
Richmond, British Columbia
Vancouver Imperial Lions Club (L–8)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 153511
- Charter date: 1/31/2023
- President: Karen Wang
- Cell phone: 604-809-3868
- Email: karenwangxb@yahoo.ca
- Secretary: Mei Ling Wang
- Cell phone: 604-218-3308
- Email: smokeylee2808@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- Contact Secretary
Vancouver, British Columbia
- Contact Secretary
Vancouver Metropolitan Lions Club (L–8)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 62287
- Charter date: 8/9/1999
- President: Anita Ip
- Home phone: 604-275-5126
- Work phone: 604-338-8177
- Cell phone: 604-338-8177
- Email: anitaip88@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Louisa Leung
- Cell phone: 778-683-1681
- Email: louisa.lk.leung@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 AM 2nd Tuesday
- Fortune Terr. Chinese Cuisine
6200 River Rd. #130
Richmond, British Columbia
Vancouver Regency Lions Club (L–8)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 156292
- Charter date: 10/3/2023
- President: Vivian Chan
- Cell phone: 778-938-1618
- Email: lionvivianchan@gmail.com
- Secretary: Ying Tung Choi
- Cell phone: 778-863-9319
- Email: amy.yt.choi0317@gmail.com
- Meetings:
Vancouver Sunshine Lions Club (L–8)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 124749
- Charter date: 4/28/2015
- President: Jeff Jiang
- Cell phone: 604-338-6726
- Email: jeffpartners@gmail.com
- Secretary: Kennith Chui
- Work phone: 778-999-2238
- Email: kennyccm@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- Contact Secretary
Vancouver, British Columbia
- Contact Secretary
Burnaby Edmonds Lions Club (L–9)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 78443
- Charter date: 3/5/2004
- Meetings:
Burnaby Host Lions Club (L–9)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 7575
- Charter date: 12/1/1944
- President: Evelyne Richards
- Home phone: 672-966-7007
- Email: christophinerichards@gmail.com
- Secretary: Robert Mc Keddie
- Home phone: 604-307-1620
- Email: romacs@telus.net
- Meetings:
- 6:45 PM 1st Tuesday
- Lions Club Hall
5024 Rumble St.
Burnaby, British Columbia
Burnaby Lougheed Lions Club (L–9)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 47284
- Charter date: 4/30/1987
- President: Gary Sugrim
- Home phone: 604-726-0176
- Email: harmonizingbody@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Takeshi Edirisinghe
- Home phone: 778-822-1258
- Email: takeshi3@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Thursday
- Burnaby Lougheed Den
7420 Mulberry Place
Burnaby, British Columbia
Vancouver Evergreen Lions Club (L–9)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 102284
- Charter date: 6/2/2008
- President: David Thompson
- Home phone: 778-838-8919
- Cell phone: 778-838-8919
- Email: liondthompson@gmail.com
- Secretary: David Thompson
- Home phone: 778-838-8919
- Cell phone: 778-838-8919
- Email: liondthompson@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st Monday
- Golden Ocean Seafood Restaurant
2046 W 41st Ave.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Milestone Lions Club (L–9)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 9
- Club number:
- Charter date:
- President: Ryan Lo
- Home phone: 604-278-2260
- Email: lionryanlo91@gmail.com
- Secretary: Sherman Lo
- Work phone: 604-304-4331
- Email: lionshermanlo@gmail.com
- Meetings:
Vancouver Renfrew Lions Club (L–9)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 40417
- Charter date: 10/16/1981
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Lions Hall
5024 Rumble Street
Burnaby, British Columbia
Vancouver Yaletown Lions Club (L–9)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 100016
- Charter date: 8/10/2007
- President: Tom Adair
- Work phone: 604-899-5441
- Email: t_adair@novuscom.net
- Secretary: May Alvarez
- Work phone: 604-331-4263
- Email: malvarez@ranchogroup.com
- Meetings:
- 2:00 PM 2nd Wednesday
- Provence Marinaside
1177 Marinaside Cresc.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Clallam Bay Sekiu Lions Club (L–11)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 8002
- Charter date: 11/28/1950
- President: Jeffrey Howell
- Home phone: 253-304-8725
- Email: refjeff777@gmail.com
- Secretary: Kelly Moe
- Cell phone: 360-640-0666
- Email: kristinamoe88@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6.00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Lions Den
90 Bogachiel St.
Clallam Bay, Washington
Crescent Bay Lions Club (L–11)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 36050
- Charter date: 9/14/1978
- President: Rick Hartley
- Secretary: Sean Rose
- Cell phone: 360-460-7815
- Email: 928mfg@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd Thursday
- Lions Clubhouse
Holly Hill Rd. & Hwy 112
Joyce, Washington
Port Angeles Lions Club (L–11)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 8005
- Charter date: 7/24/1942
- President: Joey Gamino
- Cell phone: 360-809-4242
- Email: gaminoluabena@gmail.com
- Secretary: Ken Simpson
- Home phone: 360-452-2667
- Cell phone: 360-461-1764
- Email: ksimpson@olympus.net
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st, 2nd, 3rd Wednesday
- Elks Lodge
131 E First St.
Port Angeles, Washington
Quilcene Lions Club (L–11)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 8007
- Charter date: 6/18/1966
- President: Starla Audette
- Cell phone: 360-359-1189
- Email: starlaj111@gmail.com
- Secretary: Toni Boutilier
- Cell phone: 360-440-4383
- Email: atcacb@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Quilcene Community Ctr.
Hwy 101
Quilcene, Washington
Sequim Valley Lions Club (L–11)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 8008
- Charter date: 11/16/1955
- President: Brian Pulk
- Cell phone: 425-241-3171
- Email: brianpulk@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Sandi Lucas
- Cell phone: 360-461-5895
- Email: splucas@icloud.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Paradise Rest.
703 N. Sequim Ave.
Sequim, Washington
Esquimalt Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 7972
- Charter date: 5/4/1951
- President: Gary Foster
- Home phone: 250-383-8382
- Cell phone: 250-889-5644
- Email: fostergary303@gmail.com
- Secretary: Anne-Louise Gibbons
- Home phone: 778-440-7088
- Cell phone: 778-440-7088
- Email: gargoylemanor@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Lions Grafton Lodge
495 Grafton St.
Victoria, British Columbia
Sooke Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 7994
- Charter date: 3/26/1965
- President: Daniel Willis
- Home phone: 250-642-0783
- Cell phone: 250-589-2304
- Email: dg124@telus.net
- Secretary: Randy Welters
- Cell phone: 250-881-0502
- Email: rrwelters@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Sooke Comm. Hall
2037 Shields Rd.
Sooke, British Columbia
Sooke District Lioness Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 141224
- Charter date: 3/25/2020
- President: Carol Mitchell
- Cell phone: 403-870-1040
- Email: mitchellcarol0902@gmail.com
- Secretary: Theresa Richard
- Cell phone: 250-858-6458
- Email: tarichard13@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Sooke Comm. Hall
2037 Shields Rd.
Sooke, British Columbia
Sooke Harbourside Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 77468
- Charter date: 9/15/2003
- President: Maggie Vause
- Home phone: 250-891-1721
- Email: m_vause@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Evelyn Bowers
- Home phone: 250-664-6282
- Cell phone: 250-882-4053
- Email: evbowers@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Sooke Comm. Hall
2037 Shields Rd.
Sooke, British Columbia
Victoria Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 7999
- Charter date: 3/10/1969
- President: Donald Jones
- Home phone: 250-592-7889
- Cell phone: 250-888-2853
- Email: djones2853@outlook.com
- Secretary: Anne Scott
- Home phone: 250-370-2359
- Email: lionessanne@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Oak Bay Rec. Centre
1975 Bee St.
Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria Chinatown Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 8000
- Charter date: 3/14/1956
- President: Alan Yuen
- Home phone: 250-477-4506
- Cell phone: 250-686-8889
- Email: yuenfam@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Art Quon
- Home phone: 250-477-5181
- Email: artquon@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 2nd Wednesday
- Chinese Comm. Service Centre
655A Herald St.
Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria Chinatown Lioness Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 141536
- Charter date: 6/22/2020
- President: Lily Yee
- Cell phone: 250-888-5767
- Email: 4lilyyee@gmail.com
- Secretary: Nancy Bryans
- Home phone: 905-923-9700
- Email: rebryans@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd Monday
- Don Mee Seafood Rest.
538 Fisgard St.
Victoria, British Columbia
West Shore Lions Club (L–12)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 12
- Club number: 7977
- Charter date: 11/10/1953
- President: Gary Mitchell
- Home phone: 250-727-7986
- Email: rgarymitch@gmail.com
- Secretary: Gary Mitchell
- Home phone: 250-727-7986
- Email: rgarymitch@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 12:30PM 3rd Sunday
- Br. 91 Royal CDN Legion
761 Station Ave.
Victoria, British Columbia
Central Saanich Lions Club (L–13)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 13
- Club number: 7989
- Charter date: 3/20/1969
- President: John Rumsby
- Home phone: 250-652-5696
- Email: jmrumsby@telus.net
- Secretary: Nelson Patten
- Home phone: 250-652-9477
- Email: npbrentwood@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:15 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Lions Hall
6994 E. Saanich Rd.
Saanichton, British Columbia
Galiano Island Lions Club (L–13)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 13
- Club number: 7973
- Charter date: 12/7/1972
- President: Shelley Smith
- Cell phone: 778-834-1148
- Email: shelleygalianisland@gmail.com
- Secretary: Barry New
- Home phone: 250-539-2364
- Work phone: 250-539-2364
- Email: barrynew09@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Lions Park Building
992 Burrill Rd.
Galiano Island, British Columbia
Pender Islands Lions Club (L–13)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 13
- Club number: 7984
- Charter date: 5/25/1973
- Secretary: Heather Regan
- Home phone: 250-682-3833
- Email: hregan888@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 5:30 PM 1st Wednesday
- Royal CDN Legion #239
1344 Mackinnon Rd.
Pender Island, British Columbia
Saturna Lions Club (L–13)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 13
- Club number: 28098
- Charter date: 3/5/1974
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 4th Monday
- Saturna Rec. Center
104 Harris Rd.
Saturna Island, British Columbia
Sidney Lions Club (L–13)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 13
- Club number: 7993
- Charter date: 5/21/1964
- President: Scott Henderson
- Home phone: 778-888-4942
- Secretary: Bob Orchard
- Home phone: 250-656-7829
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st Tuesday
- Maple Palace Rest.
202-9800 MacDonald Pk. Rd.
Sidney, British Columbia
Cedar Lions Club (L–14)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 14
- Club number: 36562
- Charter date: 2/12/1979
- President: Leslee Banks
- Home phone: 250-714-4359
- Work phone: 250-714-4359
- Email: lesleeb53@hotmail.ca
- Secretary: Lorne Gait
- Home phone: 250-618-0680
- Email: lgait@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd Monday
- Cedar Comm. Center
2388 Cedar Road
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Chemainus Crofton C To Sea Lions Club (L–14)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 14
- Club number: 124161
- Charter date: 3/5/2015
- Meetings:
Cowichan Lake Lions Club (L–14)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 14
- Club number: 30230
- Charter date: 2/7/1975
- President: William Stewart
- Work phone: 250-932-1132
- Cell phone: 250-466-9548
- Email: szloukum1958@outlook.com
- Secretary: Katharine Worsley
- Home phone: 250-709-7854
- Work phone: 250-749-3244
- Cell phone: 250-709-7854
- Email: katherine.worsley@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 4:00 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Salmon Enhancement Hall
131 Oak Lane
Lake Cowichan, British Columbia
Duncan Lions Club (L–14)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 14
- Club number: 7971
- Charter date: 4/22/1958
- President: Richard Manifold
- Home phone: 250-748-3835
- Cell phone: 250-889-3839
- Email: rickmanifold@telus.net
- Secretary: Margaret Wall
- Home phone: 250-748-7784
- Cell phone: 250-715-5787
- Email: margaretrwall@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Knights of Columbus Hall
5864 Indian Rd.
Duncan, British Columbia
Ladysmith Lions Club (L–14)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 14
- Club number: 7976
- Charter date: 8/21/1941
- President: Brian Chapman
- Home phone: 250-668-8999
- Email: chappy8999@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Allen McDermid
- Home phone: 250-245-4276
- Cell phone: 250-734-1897
- Email: canuk11@live.ca
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Senior Centre
630 2nd St.
Ladysmith, British Columbia
Malahat Lions Club (L–14)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 14
- Club number: 7978
- Charter date: 12/17/1969
- President: Tammy Olsen
- Home phone: 250-732-2810
- Email: sataketk@aol.com
- Secretary: Raye Pinder
- Home phone: 250-743-5093
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Malahat Legion #134
1625 Shawnigan Mill Bay Rd.
Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia
Mill Bay Lions Club (L–14)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 14
- Club number: 39139
- Charter date: 12/31/1980
- Meetings:
Baynes Sound Lions Club (L–15)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 15
- Club number: 32069
- Charter date: 4/20/1976
- President: Clifford Helps
- Home phone: 250-335-1112
- Cell phone: 250-702-2632
- Email: cliffjames372@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Nancy Sim
- Home phone: 250-335-1466
- Cell phone: 250-650-4610
- Email: nancysim1@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Monday
- Fanny Bay OAP Hall
418 Ships Point Rd.
Fanny Bay, British Columbia
Black Creek Lions Club (L–15)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 15
- Club number: 38432
- Charter date: 5/1/1980
- President: Terry Levesque
- Home phone: 250-703-1814
- Secretary: Lynne Davidson
- Home phone: 250-702-6078
- Email: franklyn4741@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Thursday
1547 Dingwall Rd.
Courtenay, British Columbia
Comox Valley Lions Club (L–15)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 15
- Club number: 7970
- Charter date: 11/17/1966
- President: Brad Mulhall
- Home phone: 250-465-0497
- Email: mulhallbrad@gmail.com
- Secretary: Bob Scales
- Home phone: 250-339-4628
- Email: rescales@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Tuesday
- Comox Valley Lions Den
1729 Comox Ave.
Comox, British Columbia
Comox Valley Monarch Lions Club (L–15)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 15
- Club number: 55177
- Charter date: 12/20/1993
- President: Cec Specht
- Home phone: 250-338-0509
- Cell phone: 250-702-0248
- Email: cec.specht@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Cathy Specht
- Home phone: 250-338-0509
- Cell phone: 250-897-6453
- Email: cathy.specht@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 11:00 AM 3rd Tuesday
- Quality Foods Mtg. Rm.
2751 Cliffe Ave.
Courtenay, British Columbia
Qualicum Bay Lions Club (L–15)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 15
- Club number: 7988
- Charter date: 2/4/1969
- President: Shirley Phillips
- Home phone: 250-757-8384
- Email: gramashirl@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Jennifer Sterckx
- Cell phone: 250-240-6668
- Email: jennycm@live.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Lions Den
280 Lions Way
Qualicum Beach, British Columbia
Tahsis Lions Club (L–15)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 15
- Club number: 7995
- Charter date: 4/12/1968
- President: Kim Anderson
- Home phone: 250-934-6465
- Email: mufey@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Maureen Roth
- Home phone: 250-934-6575
- Email: rothraindrop@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Tuesday
- Cpt. Meares Elem/Sec Sch.
299 Alpine View
Tahsis, British Columbia
Willow Point Lions Club (L–15)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 15
- Club number: 35162
- Charter date: 3/29/1978
- President: Ken Beattie
- Home phone: 250-926-0377
- Secretary: Lynn Blackbourn
- Home phone: 778-418-4104
- Email: lynninvic1@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 12:30 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Willow Point Hall
2165 Island Hwy.
Campbell River, British Columbia
Port Mcneill Lions Club (L–16)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 16
- Club number: 7987
- Charter date: 4/4/1967
- President: Laurie Desbiens
- Home phone: 250-230-4519
- Email: laurie_desbiens@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Lesa Galbraith
- Home phone: 250-527-1217
- Email: chick666_ca@yahoo.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Lions Hall
2897 Mine Rd.
Port McNeill, British Columbia
Forks Lions Club (L–17)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 17
- Club number: 8003
- Charter date: 3/28/1947
- President: Javier Contreras
- Work phone: 360-640-5307
- Email: contrerasjavier8@gmail.com
- Secretary: Miguel Bishop-Morales
- Work phone: 360-300-7935
- Email: miguelangelbishopmorales55@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- American Legion
400 E Division St.
Forks, Washington
Gabriola Island Lions Club (L–17)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 17
- Club number: 30346
- Charter date: 3/11/1975
- President: Jonathan Carlson
- Home phone: 250-247-9767
- Email: seayou@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Maureen Morgan
- Home phone: 778-762-3727
- Cell phone: 604-294-8565
- Email: gabriolamarigold@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Gabriola Fire Hall #1
730 Church St.
Gabriola, British Columbia
Nanaimo Lions Club (L–17)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 17
- Club number: 7981
- Charter date: 12/10/1946
- President: Dave Alderson
- Home phone: 250-754-0885
- Email: dpalderson46@gmail.com
- Secretary: Dennis Sauer
- Home phone: 250-754-1357
- Cell phone: 250-816-8500
- Email: ddsauer@telus.net
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 3rd Monday
- BC Old Age Pensioners
2465 Labieux Rd.
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Nanaimo Hub City Lions Club (L–17)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 17
- Club number: 43862
- Charter date: 5/17/1984
- President: Leslie Smith
- Cell phone: 250-714-6507
- Secretary: Claire Clark
- Home phone: 250-591-1635
- Cell phone: 780-723-4465
- Email: caclark5@yahoo.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Wednesday
- Clubhouse
5660 Edgewater Lane
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Nanoose Bay Lions Club (L–17)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 17
- Club number: 35161
- Charter date: 3/29/1978
- President: Barbara Wilson
- Home phone: 250-468-9418
- Cell phone: 250-228-9418
- Email: barbwilson2012@gmail.com
- Secretary: Pam Tremblett
- Cell phone: 250-927-6338
- Email: st0027@telus.net
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Nanoose Place
2925 North West Bay Rd.
Nanoose Bay, British Columbia
Parksville Lions Club (L–17)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 17
- Club number: 7983
- Charter date: 11/18/1969
- President: Gail Vulliamy
- Home phone: 250-248-4931
- Email: gvulliamy@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Wayne Vulliamy
- Email: gvulliamy@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Lions Pioneer Village
241A Moilliet St.
Parksville, British Columbia
Protection Island Lions Club (L–17)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: 17
- Club number: 42274
- Charter date: 2/7/1983
- President: Rick Biller
- Cell phone: 250-304-9006
- Email: billerrick60@gmail.com
- Secretary: Linda Jefferies
- Cell phone: 250-739-9501
- Email: lindalions@yahoo.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st Wednesday
- Beacon House Community Hall
208 Colvilleton Trail
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Vancouver Point Grey Lions Club (L–A7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: A7
- Club number: 142437
- Charter date: 7/30/2020
- President: Anthony Lyons
- Cell phone: 778-990-6638
- Email: vanpointgreylionsclubtreasurer@gmail.com
- Secretary: Vivian Lo
- Cell phone: 778-388-7851
- Email: knlo@dccnet.com
- Meetings:
- 8:00 PM Zoom Meeting
- Contact Secretary
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver South Lions Club (L–A7)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: A7
- Club number: 7617
- Charter date: 11/27/1944
- President: David Pasin
- Cell phone: 604-805-8681
- Email: dpasin@axionet.com
- Secretary: Paramjit Singh Lalli
- Cell phone: 604-655-5000
- Email: pslalli@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 4th Tuesday
- Lions Millennium Pl.
3655 Clark Dr.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Saanich Lions Club (L–I2)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I2
- Club number: 7990
- Charter date: 11/10/1965
- Secretary: Brian Morin
- Home phone: 250-479-0088
- Cell phone: 250-589-8709
- Email: bwmorin@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Veterans Memorial Lodge
4579 Chatterton Way
Victoria, British Columbia
Mayne Island Lions Club (L–I3)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I3
- Club number: 7980
- Charter date: 11/21/1971
- President: Greg Martin
- Cell phone: 204-228-5825
- Email: gsmcwfi@gmail.com
- Secretary: Mike Bullis
- Home phone: 250-539-2795
- Email: reabull@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 2nd Wednesday
- Agricultural Hall
430 Fernhill Rd.
Mayne Island, British Columbia
Salt Spring Island Lions Club (L–I3)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I3
- Club number: 7991
- Charter date: 8/14/1959
- President: Don Cunningham
- Home phone: 250-537-2983
- Email: ssidonc@icloud.com
- Secretary: Heather Howard
- Home phone: 250-537-5063
- Email: heatheranddennis@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Hart Bradley Hall
103 Bonnet Ave.
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Gold River Lions Club (L–I5)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I5
- Club number: 7974
- Charter date: 2/16/1967
- President: Veanna Johnston
- Home phone: 250-283-9107
- Cell phone: 250-203-7395
- Email: bella_donna23@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Veanna Johnston
- Home phone: 250-283-9107
- Cell phone: 250-203-7395
- Email: bella_donna23@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Lions Den
369 Nimpkish Dr.
Gold River, British Columbia
Alberni Valley Lions Club (L–I6)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I6
- Club number: 7967
- Charter date: 7/13/1955
- President: Robert Dalton
- Home phone: 250-724-0558
- Email: roblion@telus.net
- Secretary: Donald Hudson
- Home phone: 250-724-4658
- Email: dhudson111@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Barklay Best Western Hotel
4277 Stamp Ave.
Port Alberni, British Columbia
Malcolm Island Lions Club (L–I6)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I6
- Club number: 7979
- Charter date: 11/21/1973
- President: Richie Shaw
- Home phone: 250-973-2005
- Secretary: Jim Bowen
- Cell phone: 250-974-8034
- Email: tandjbowen13@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Lions Den
Sointula, British Columbia
Port Alice Lions Club (L–I6)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I6
- Club number: 7985
- Charter date: 9/1/1966
- President: Audie Tamburini
- Cell phone: 250-209-2511
- Email: audietamburini@yahoo.com
- Secretary: Sandy Tamburini
- Home phone: 250-284-6663
- Email: tamburinia@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 3rd Wednesday
- Lions Den
915 Marine Dr.
Port Alice, British Columbia
Port Hardy Lions Club (L–I6)
- District: 19–L
- Zone: I6
- Club number: 7986
- Charter date: 8/17/1966
- President: Jennifer De Toro
- Home phone: 250-902-9202
- Cell phone: 250-902-9202
- Email: jendokan64@gmail.com
- Secretary: Robyn Tonkins
- Cell phone: 250-204-3181
- Email: tonkin@ymail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Port Hardy Civic Center
7450 Colombia St.
Port Hardy, British Columbia