District 19-O Clubs
Clubs are listed by zone, and then alphabetically within each zone.
North Delta Lions Club (O–1)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 7957
- Charter date: 10/23/1967
- President: Doug Fitzpatrick
- Secretary: Robert Aspinall
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Kennedy Sr. Rec. Center
11760 88th Ave.
Delta, British Columbia
Richmond Chinatown Lions Club (O–1)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 56042
- Charter date: 8/15/1944
- President: Olivia Reid-Friesen
- Cell phone: 778-859-7073
- Email: livy777.orf@gmail.com
- Secretary: Aster Liew
- Home phone: 604-275-2869
- Cell phone: 604-725-6063
- Email: aliew50@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd Tuesday
- Fortune Terrace Cuisine
6200 River Road, #130
Richmond, British Columbia
Richmond Lahoo Lions Club (O–1)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 121261
- Charter date: 1/28/2014
- Meetings:
Richmond Mandarin Lions Club (O–1)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 55726
- Charter date: 5/24/1994
- President: Winston Wu
- Home phone: 604-821-1029
- Cell phone: 604-603-8868
- Email: winstonwu88@gmail.com
- Secretary: Helen Quan
- Cell phone: 604-649-2837
- Email: helenquan@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 3rd Tuesday
- Continental Seafood Rest.
#150-11700 Cambie Rd.
Richmond, British Columbia
Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions Club (O–1)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 1
- Club number: 7941
- Charter date: 5/6/1968
- President: David Smith
- Home phone: 604-948-1985
- Cell phone: 604-861-0954
- Email: dscanada@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Steve Dane
- Cell phone: 604-612-3263
- Email: lionsecretarysteve@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st Monday
- Cammidge House
498 Boundary Bay Rd.
Delta, British Columbia
Abbotsford Lions Club (O–2)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7938
- Charter date: 3/16/1944
- President: Lynne Hutsul
- Home phone: 778-880-1122
- Email: lynnhutsul@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Surinder Gahir
- Home phone: 604-853-1304
- Email: pcc.gahir@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Chances Casino
30835 Peardonville Rd.
Abbotsford, British Columbia
Aldergrove Lions Club (O–2)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7940
- Charter date: 1/18/1971
- President: Brenda Moreno
- Home phone: 604-607-6801
- Email: brendagail54@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Tom Latter
- Home phone: 604-852-7326
- Cell phone: 604-897-8433
- Email: tlatter@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Lions Grove Rec. Hall
#13 2888 273rd St.
Aldergrove, British Columbia
Fort Langley Lions Club (O–2)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7945
- Charter date: 12/23/1971
- President: Paul Helliwell-Hargreaves, Jr.
- Home phone: 778-999-5812
- Work phone: 604-464-6066
- Email: paulhelliwellhargreaves@gmail.com
- Secretary: Wendy Canessa
- Home phone: 604-888-4051
- Cell phone: 778-233-9283
- Email: wendycan@telus.net
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Fort Langley Snr. Lions Hall
23022 88th Ave.
Fort Langley, BC, British Columbia
Langley Lions Club (O–2)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7949
- Charter date: 5/15/1944
- President: Gary Breg
- Cell phone: 604-364-8300
- Email: garybreg@gmail.com
- Secretary: David Wallace
- Home phone: 604-888-5683
- Cell phone: 604-992-7987
- Email: dwallace0033@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- W Langley Hall
9400 208th St.
Langley, British Columbia
Maple Ridge Lions Club (O–2)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7952
- Charter date: 4/3/1944
- President: Benny Eskildsen
- Home phone: 604-467-6345
- Cell phone: 604-313-4450
- Email: esk6345@gmail.com
- Secretary: Douglas Button
- Home phone: 604-463-7355
- Cell phone: 604-551-5076
- Email: roybutton1@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- St. Andrews Hrt. Church Hall
22279 116th Ave.
Maple Ridge, British Columbia
Pitt Meadows Lions Club (O–2)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 2
- Club number: 7958
- Charter date: 4/15/1951
- President: David Duncan
- Cell phone: 778-887-0565
- Email: dave_ginny@telus.net
- Secretary: Dave Campbell
- Cell phone: 778-996-3371
- Email: glenappin2@outlook.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st Thursday
- The Lion's Den
12479 Harris Rd.
Pitt Meadows, British Columbia
Barnet Lions Club (O–3)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 3
- Club number: 7960
- Charter date: 6/30/1972
- Meetings:
Coquitlam River Lions Club (O–3)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 3
- Club number: 150127
- Charter date: 3/22/2022
- President: Rosalie Kunic
- Home phone: 514-296-7643
- Cell phone: 514-296-7643
- Email: rosaliekunic@shaw.ca
- Secretary: Patti Byth
- Home phone: 604-219-3573
- Email: pattibyth@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- River Springs Rec. Centre
1950 Lodge Drive
Coquitlam, British Columbia
North Surrey Lions Club (O–3)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 3
- Club number: 7965
- Charter date: 11/9/1957
- President: Donna Bissessar
- Cell phone: 604-500-4244
- Email: agentdonna4@gmail.com
- Secretary: Kristine Baker
- Cell phone: 778-368-2537
- Email: nsurreylions@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Northwood United Church
8855 156 Street
Surrey, British Columbia
Port Coquitlam Lions Club (O–3)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 3
- Club number: 7959
- Charter date: 11/14/1949
- President: Gordon Graves
- Cell phone: 604-816-2818
- Email: gordrgraves@gmail.com
- Secretary: Katherine Butler
- Home phone: 604-833-7678
- Email: butlerkg@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Royal Can. Legion #133
2675 Shaughnessy St.
Port Coquitlam, British Columbia
Surrey Central Lions Club (O–3)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 3
- Club number: 126223
- Charter date: 11/23/2015
- President: Linda Deroche
- Home phone: 604-588-9025
- Work phone: 604-520-6244
- Cell phone: 604-612-6591
- Email: s_a_m_65@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Linda Hoodikoff
- Home phone: 604-583-6272
- Cell phone: 778-984-0093
- Email: dlhoodikoff@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday
- Ricky's All Day Grill
8958 - 152 Street
Surrey, British Columbia
Surrey Fraser Cyber Club Branch (O–3)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 3
- Club number:
- Charter date:
- Meetings:
Agassiz-Harrison Lions Club (O–4)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 7939
- Charter date: 12/10/1963
- President: Larry Koberstein
- Home phone: 604-796-2209
- Email: lrkob@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Maureen Dougherty
- Home phone: 604-796-2209
- Email: vpapr@shaw.ca
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Agricultural Hall
6800 Pioneer Ave.
Agassiz, British Columbia
Chilliwack Lions Club (O–4)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 7943
- Charter date: 2/19/1947
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 4th Thursday
- Lions Community Hall
45580 Spadina Ave.
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Chilliwack Dogwood Monarch Lions Club (O–4)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 55892
- Charter date: 6/24/1994
- President: Roger Chevrier
- Home phone: 604-828-5900
- Cell phone: 604-828-5900
- Email: rogerchevrier@gmail.com
- Secretary: Shannon Croitor
- Home phone: 604-997-0553
- Cell phone: 604-997-0553
- Email: timmer.shan@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 2nd Wednesday
- Lions Main Hall
9233 Main Steet
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Chilliwack Mount Cheam Lions Club (O–4)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 34167
- Charter date: 6/30/1977
- President: Lesley Ward
- Home phone: 604-799-0821
- Cell phone: 604-799-0821
- Email: lionlesley@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Madelene Lange
- Home phone: 604-798-3061
- Email: madelenelange@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Mt. Cheam Lions Hall
45580 Spadina Ave.
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Chilliwack Stellers Jay Lions Club (O–4)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 48811
- Charter date: 7/29/1988
- President: Carol Gillette
- Home phone: 604-858-5716
- Cell phone: 604-793-3209
- Email: gillette2010@yahoo.ca
- Secretary: Corinne White
- Home phone: 778-596-9644
- Cell phone: 778-549-0059
- Email: lioncorinne19h@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday
- Mt. Cheam Lions Hall
45580 Spadina Ave.
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Hope Lions Club (O–4)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 7947
- Charter date: 9/9/1943
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Hope Curling Club
1055 6th Ave.
Hope, British Columbia
Sasquatch Lions Club (O–4)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 4
- Club number: 38138
- Charter date: 3/16/1980
- President: Ben Driessen
- Cell phone: 604-556-8810
- Email: tbdriessen@gmail.com
- Secretary: Don Crowhurst
- Home phone: 604-796-9680
- Email: djacrowhurst@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Deroche Community Hall
41555 N Nicomen Rd.
Deroche, British Columbia
Bellingham Central Lions Club (O–5)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 5
- Club number: 7923
- Charter date: 10/13/1922
- President: Dean Bates
- Home phone: 360-933-1553
- Work phone: 360-733-1800
- Cell phone: 360-296-8057
- Email: deanbates76@yahoo.com
- Secretary: Mark Kennedy
- Cell phone: 860-575-4826
- Email: mekennedy2001@comcast.net
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Lions Community Mtg. Rm.
4141 Bennett Drive
Bellingham, Washington
Bellingham Fairhaven Lions Club (O–5)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 5
- Club number: 7924
- Charter date: 11/23/1954
- President: Joel Haggen
- Cell phone: 360-319-5105
- Email: joel2.25@comcast.net
- Secretary: Vicki Haggen
- Home phone: 360-739-9636
- Email: misty8077@comcast.net
- Meetings:
- 5:30 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Lions Community Mtg. Rm.
4141 Bennett Drive
Bellingham, Washington
Bellingham Harborview Lions Club (O–5)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 5
- Club number: 51062
- Charter date: 11/14/1990
- Meetings:
Everson Lions Club (O–5)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 5
- Club number: 7929
- Charter date: 4/22/1930
- President: Jayson Loreen
- Cell phone: 360-990-7155
- Email: jaysonloreen@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Eric Oettle
- Cell phone: 360-920-1194
- Email: teakoettle@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
Ferndale Lions Club (O–5)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 5
- Club number: 7930
- Charter date: 7/11/1941
- President: Nancy Knapp
- Home phone: 360-927-4829
- Cell phone: 360-927-4829
- Email: nlknapp-mail@usa.net
- Secretary: Barbara Decosta
- Home phone: 360-603-4001
- Email: bdacosta40@yahoo.com
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Lions Community Mtg. Rm.
4141 Bennet Dr.
Bellingham, Washington
Lynden Lions Club (O–5)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 5
- Club number: 32204
- Charter date: 5/18/1976
- President: Galen Laird
- Home phone: 360-354-1187
- Cell phone: 360-319-6845
- Email: cglaird@aol.com
- Secretary: Janice Newman
- Home phone: 509-470-5204
- Cell phone: 509-470-5204
- Email: nj5newm@aol.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- United Methodist Church
500 14th St.
Lynden, Washington
Arlington Lions Club (O–6)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7622
- Charter date: 6/7/1928
- President: Michael Lally, Sr.
- Cell phone: 408-771-3477
- Email: mjlallysr@gmail.com
- Secretary: Randy Tendering
- Cell phone: 425-359-2687
- Email: randkaren@comcast.net
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd Wednesday
- Haller Park - Stilly Room
1100 N West Ave.
Arlington, Washington
Burlington Lions Club (O–6)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 33306
- Charter date: 2/11/1977
- President: Rick La Monte
- Home phone: 360-422-5252
- Cell phone: 360-708-1301
- Email: ricklamonte1988@gmail.com
- Secretary: Jackie Bechtel
- Home phone: 360-428-0397
- Email: ejbech@comcast.net
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Coconut Kenny's
1060 S Burlington Blvd.
Burlington, Washington
Concrete Lions Club (O–6)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7927
- Charter date: 8/29/1939
- President: Kelly Smithhart
- Home phone: 360-826-4934
- Cell phone: 360-631-6241
- Email: ontheskagit@frontier.com
- Secretary: Barbara Hawkings
- Home phone: 360-826-3644
- Email: hawkingsbarb@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Annie's Pizza Station
44568 St. Rt. 20
Concrete, Washington
Lake Stevens Lions Club (O–6)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7639
- Charter date: 9/22/1949
- President: Patricia Sturtz
- Cell phone: 425-501-9512
- Email: prsturtz@yahoo.com
- Secretary: Stephen Brooks
- Home phone: 425-334-1191
- Cell phone: 425-210-0539
- Email: kc7mck@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Ebenezer Lutheran Church
2111 117th Ave. NE
Lake Stevens, Washington
Mount Vernon Lions Club (O–6)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7931
- Charter date: 2/19/1929
- President: Robert Dutcher
- Home phone: 360-568-6258
- Secretary: Robert Hallberg
- Home phone: 425-308-1955
- Email: hallbergbob@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Royal Star Buffet
2300 Freeway Dr.
Mount Vernon, Washington
Sedro Woolley Lions Club (O–6)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7935
- Charter date: 3/19/1937
- President: Donalda Wiggins
- Cell phone: 360-630-7961
- Secretary: Carol Torset
- Cell phone: 360-770-8197
- Email: torset@comcast.net
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Monday
- Sedro-Woolley Senior Cntr.
715 Pacific Street
Sedro-Woolley, Washington
Stanwood Lions Club (O–6)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 6
- Club number: 7627
- Charter date: 9/15/1941
- President: Denise Hoggarth-Case
- Cell phone: 425-481-6939
- Email: building429yeah@gmail.com
- Secretary: John Haddock
- Home phone: 360-387-9180
- Email: jlhaddock@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Stanwood Senior Center
7430 276th St. NW
Stanwood, Washington
Anacortes Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7922
- Charter date: 12/17/1936
- President: Colette Arvidson
- Home phone: 360-299-2905
- Cell phone: 360-391-5880
- Email: colette.arvidson@gmail.com
- Secretary: Cato Woods
- Home phone: 360-299-2015
- Cell phone: 360-708-9314
- Email: catowoods@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 2nd Thursday
- Westminster Presbyterian
1300 9th Street
Anacortes, Washington
Coupeville Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7928
- Charter date: 12/8/1937
- President: Rick Walti
- Cell phone: 360-682-8793
- Email: rickw1947@comcast.net
- Secretary: Ellen Walton
- Cell phone: 541-913-6372
- Email: clcsecretary19@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Wed.
- United Methodist Church
608 N Main St.
Coupeville, Washington
Coupeville Central Whidbey Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 48649
- Charter date: 5/13/1988
- President: Ted Mihok
- Cell phone: 510-409-8155
- Email: tedmihok@yahoo.com
- Secretary: John Burks, Jr.
- Home phone: 360-678-6413
- Cell phone: 765-404-2574
- Email: jeburksjr@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Tyee Restaurant
405 S Main St.
Coupeville, Washington
Lopez Island Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 30231
- Charter date: 2/13/1975
- Meetings:
North Whidbey Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 45571
- Charter date: 12/10/1985
- President: Judith Schollen
- Home phone: 360-544-3185
- Cell phone: 360-499-4070
- Email: ur2bluesmom@gmail.com
- Secretary: Charles Seablom
- Cell phone: 360-929-3437
- Email: charlie.seablom@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
3037 Goldie Rd.
Oak Harbor, Washington
Oak Harbor Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7932
- Charter date: 3/7/1951
- President: Teresa Addison
- Cell phone: 206-817-3533
- Email: simplytree@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Michael Contreras
- Cell phone: 360-202-4702
- Email: mikercv.nac@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Orcas Island Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7933
- Charter date: 5/15/1972
- President: Eric Heyn
- Home phone: 360-376-1044
- Cell phone: 206-922-9122
- Email: heyn1975@gmail.com
- Secretary: Toby Hiller
- Home phone: 360-376-5333
- Cell phone: 360-919-7747
- Email: tthiller@centurytel.net
- Meetings:
- 11:30 AM 2nd Wednesday
- Orcas Sr. Center / The Skillet
62 Henry Rd. / 325 Prune Alley
Eastsound, Washington
San Juan Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7934
- Charter date: 10/23/1962
- President: Kimberly Galton
- Home phone: 360-378-1924
- Cell phone: 360-298-1906
- Email: kalgalton@gmail.com
- Secretary: Bruce Galton
- Home phone: 360-378-1924
- Cell phone: 360-298-4062
- Email: br.galton@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM Weekly Tuesday
- American Legion Post
110 First St.
Friday Harbor, Washington
South Whidbey Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 7936
- Charter date: 3/3/1948
- President: Kent Renshaw
- Home phone: 206-747-9759
- Work phone: 206-747-9759
- Cell phone: 206-747-9759
- Email: riprenfroo@yahoo.com
- Secretary: George Westergaard
- Cell phone: 425-351-1995
- Email: westergg@whidbey.com
- Meetings:
- 11:00 AM 2nd Thursday
- M-Bar-C Ranch
5264 Shore Meadow Dr.
Freeland, Washington
Whidbey Island Lions Club (O–7)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 7
- Club number: 135149
- Charter date: 6/20/2018
- President: William Cooper
- Cell phone: 360-929-8378
- Email: coop7960@comcast.net
- Secretary: Carolyn O'Dell
- Home phone: 360-679-9468
- Cell phone: 360-632-4805
- Email: odie72092@aol.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Knights of Columbus Hall
3259 Old Goldie Road
Oak Harbor, Washington
Edmonds Lions Club (O–8)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 7629
- Charter date: 11/11/1946
- President: William Brooks
- Home phone: 509-455-6747
- Cell phone: 509-979-5252
- Email: ws-brooks@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Judy Forgey
- Home phone: 425-774-6353
- Email: forgeyjj@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Maplewood Presby. Church
19253 84th Ave. W
Edmonds, Washington
Everett Central Lions Club (O–8)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 7630
- Charter date: 5/20/1920
- President: Brenda Priest
- Cell phone: 425-737-1913
- Email: bpriest@voaww.org
- Secretary: James McNally
- Home phone: 425-293-6444
- Cell phone: 425-293-6444
- Email: jimmychris@msn.com
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Buzz Inn
3121 Broadway
Everett, Washington
Everett South Lions Club (O–8)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 7670
- Charter date: 9/17/1952
- President: Semal (Sam) Kahn
- Email: pastorsamkahn@gmail.com
- Secretary: Barbara Wheeler
- Email: bjwheeler33@yahoo.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Denny's
132 128th Street SW
Everett, Washington
Mill Creek/Woodinville Lions Club (O–8)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 53351
- Charter date: 6/22/1992
- President: Doug Houghton
- Home phone: 425-337-3077
- Email: houghton1@frontier.com
- Secretary: Bernadette Houghton
- Home phone: 425-337-3077
- Email: houghton425@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday
- im3rd Studio Tour
16000 Mill Creek Blvd.
Mill Creek, Washington
Snohomish Lions Club (O–8)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 8
- Club number: 7669
- Charter date: 3/11/1929
- President: Cyndy Ottaway
- Cell phone: 425-330-6094
- Email: c1ottaway@frontier.com
- Secretary: Meridith Grogan
- Cell phone: 206-226-7187
- Email: meridith@snohomishlions.org
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday
- Senior Center
506 Fourth St.
Snohomish, Washington
Seattle First Hill Lions Club (O–9)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 7654
- Charter date: 6/10/1954
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 1st & 3rd Tuesday
- Tai Tung Rest.
655 S King St.
Seattle, Washington
Seattle Mabuhay Lions Club (O–9)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 102231
- Charter date: 5/21/2008
- President: Patricia Carolina
- Email: caropaizg@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Neida Acuario
- Home phone: 206-234-1390
- Email: acuarioako@hotmail.com
- Meetings:
- 5:30 PM 1st Friday
- Zoom
Seattle, Washington
Seattle Rainier Lions Club (O–9)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 7660
- Charter date: 6/25/1937
- President: John Wight
- Cell phone: 425-269-9460
- Email: johnwright@live.com
- Secretary: Christine Britton
- Home phone: 206-554-1884
- Email: authorbritton@yahoo.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Rainier Lions Insight Center
3714 S Ferdinand St.
Seattle, Washington
Seattle University-Ballard Lions Club (O–9)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 9
- Club number: 7663
- Charter date: 4/2/1924
- President: Terry Froggett
- Home phone: 206-789-1808
- Email: tafroggatt@yahoo.com
- Secretary: Sonja Lowe
- Home phone: 360-789-2978
- Work phone: 206-529-3672
- Cell phone: 360-789-2978
- Email: solowe@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Pizza Twist
12319 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, Washington
Mercer Island Lions Club (O–10)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7643
- Charter date: 3/7/1955
- Meetings:
- 7:30 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Lions Den
2650 Cameron Taggert Rd.
Mercer Island, Washington
Redmond Lions Club (O–10)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7648
- Charter date: 10/13/1947
- President: Kirk Neamen
- Home phone: 206-420-9180
- Work phone: 206-420-8803
- Email: kirk.j.neamen@ampf.com
- Secretary: Donna Needham
- Home phone: 425-333-4833
- Cell phone: (206) 999-2717
- Email: dneedham55@comcast.net
- Meetings:
- 12:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- United Methodist Church
16540 NE 80th St.
Redmond, Washington
Snoqualmie Valley Lions Club (O–10)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7647
- Charter date: 3/12/1962
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Wednesday
- Riverbend Café
14303 436th Ave. SE
North Bend, Washington
Burien Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7625
- Charter date: 1/22/1957
- President: Nathan O'Leary
- Home phone: 206-799-7240
- Work phone: 206-244-3873
- Cell phone: 206-799-7240
- Email: nateoleary@hotmail.com
- Secretary: Enoch Rowland
- Home phone: 206-878-1283
- Work phone: 206-433-0715
- Email: kleenwell@juno.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 2nd Monday
- Angelos Restaurant
601 SW 153rd St.
Burien, Washington
Des Moines Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7626
- Charter date: 1/13/1963
- President: J. Rod Blalock
- Cell phone: 253-951-9104
- Email: blalockj79@gmail.com
- Secretary: Jana Lee Cruise
- Cell phone: 206-313-1934
- Email: henstone13@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 2nd Wednesday
- Tuscany at Des Moines Creek Rest.
21830 Marine View Dr. S
Des Moines, Washington
Fairwood Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7633
- Charter date: 3/5/1969
- President: Katrina Breuel
- Home phone: 425-204-9315
- Email: breuel422@comcast.net
- Secretary: Tom Knowlten
- Home phone: 206-948-2598
- Email: tom.knowlton@earthlink.net
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Golden Peacock Rest.
14412 SE Petrovitsky Rd.
Renton, Washington
Greater Bellevue Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7628
- Charter date: 3/6/1962
- Meetings:
Guildford Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7775
- Charter date: 1/30/1946
- Meetings:
Kennydale Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7637
- Charter date: 1/3/1947
- President: David Schott
- Home phone: 425-226-0379
- Email: iplaymusicforu@yahoo.com
- Meetings:
- 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Monday
- Kennydale Memorial Hall
2424 NE 27th St.
Renton, Washington
Renton Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7649
- Charter date: 8/11/1938
- President: Barbara Bicknell-Porter
- Cell phone: 206-498-9648
- Email: toby2nddog@gmail.com
- Secretary: Sandra Knutowski
- Home phone: 425-271-3822
- Email: sknutow@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Wednesday
- Merrill Gardens (Nov-May) / Youth Camp (June-Oct)
104 Burnett Ave. S / 21202 SE 184th St.
Renton / Maple Valley, Washington
Seattle Bituin Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 60296
- Charter date: 1/22/1998
- President: Norberto Caoili
- Home phone: 206-497-5621
- Cell phone: 206-427-3364
- Email: dglionbert@gmail.com
- Secretary: Myrna Victoriano
- Email: senoramyr@gmail.com
- Meetings:
- 6:00 PM 1st Wednesday
- Bumc Conference Rm.
7301 Beacon Ave. S
Seattle, Washington
Seattle West Seattle Lions Club (O–11)
- District: 19–O
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7666
- Charter date: 4/11/1929
- Meetings:
- 6:30 PM 1st Wednesday
- Sisson Bldg.
4217 SW Oregon St.
Seattle, Washington